Deck Wraith

Puppeteer (Wraith)
Créé par Shoshuro le 6 octobre 2014
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

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Crypte (12)
2 Andrea Giovanni2 Andrea Giovanni
2 Le Dinh Tho2 Le Dinh Tho
1 Gloria Giovanni1 Gloria Giovanni
2 Isabel Giovanni2 Isabel Giovanni
2 Rudolfo Giovanni2 Rudolfo Giovanni
1 Lia Milliner1 Lia Milliner
1 Marciana Giovanni, Investigator1 Marciana Giovanni, Investigator
1 Nedal, The Careless1 Nedal, The Careless
Action (16)
1 Far Mastery1 Far Mastery
1 Scrounging1 Scrounging
8 Govern the Unaligned8 Govern the Unaligned
1 Chair of Hades1 Chair of Hades
5 Sudario Refraction5 Sudario Refraction
Action Modifier (19)
6 Shroud Mastery6 Shroud Mastery
2 Foreshadowing Destruction2 Foreshadowing Destruction
6 Call of the Hungry Dead6 Call of the Hungry Dead
5 Conditioning5 Conditioning
Action Modifier/Reaction (5)
1 Promise of 15281 Promise of 1528
4 Spectral Divination4 Spectral Divination
Ally (13)
1 Leonardo, Mortician1 Leonardo, Mortician
1 Ossian1 Ossian
1 Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)1 Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
1 Ambrosius, The Ferryman (Wraith)1 Ambrosius, The Ferryman (Wraith)
6 Puppeteer (Wraith)6 Puppeteer (Wraith)
2 Shambling Hordes2 Shambling Hordes
1 Tye Cooper1 Tye Cooper
Event (4)
3 Unmasking, The3 Unmasking, The
1 FBI Special Affairs Division1 FBI Special Affairs Division
Master (13)
1 Dis Pater1 Dis Pater
2 Acquired Ventrue Assets2 Acquired Ventrue Assets
1 Powerbase: Cape Verde1 Powerbase: Cape Verde
1 Direct Intervention1 Direct Intervention
1 Jake Washington (Hunter)1 Jake Washington (Hunter)
1 Coven, The1 Coven, The
1 Charisma1 Charisma
1 Pentex(TM) Subversion1 Pentex(TM) Subversion
4 Vessel4 Vessel
Reaction (10)
2 On the Qui Vive2 On the Qui Vive
4 Deflection4 Deflection
4 Delaying Tactics4 Delaying Tactics



Andrea Giovanni
Andrea Giovanni
Le Dinh Tho
Le Dinh Tho
Gloria Giovanni
Isabel Giovanni
Isabel Giovanni
Rudolfo Giovanni
Rudolfo Giovanni
Lia Milliner
Marciana Giovanni, Investigator
Nedal, The Careless


Far Mastery
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Chair of Hades
Sudario Refraction
Sudario Refraction
Sudario Refraction
Sudario Refraction
Sudario Refraction
Shroud Mastery
Shroud Mastery
Shroud Mastery
Shroud Mastery
Shroud Mastery
Shroud Mastery
Foreshadowing Destruction
Foreshadowing Destruction
Call of the Hungry Dead
Call of the Hungry Dead
Call of the Hungry Dead
Call of the Hungry Dead
Call of the Hungry Dead
Call of the Hungry Dead
Promise of 1528
Spectral Divination
Spectral Divination
Spectral Divination
Spectral Divination
Leonardo, Mortician
Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
Ambrosius, The Ferryman (Wraith)
Puppeteer (Wraith)
Puppeteer (Wraith)
Puppeteer (Wraith)
Puppeteer (Wraith)
Puppeteer (Wraith)
Puppeteer (Wraith)
Shambling Hordes
Shambling Hordes
Tye Cooper
Unmasking, The
Unmasking, The
Unmasking, The
FBI Special Affairs Division
Dis Pater
Acquired Ventrue Assets
Acquired Ventrue Assets
Powerbase: Cape Verde
Direct Intervention
Jake Washington (Hunter)
Coven, The
Pentex(TM) Subversion
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive
Delaying Tactics
Delaying Tactics
Delaying Tactics
Delaying Tactics


Il y a 80 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 16
Action Modifier 19
Action Modifier/Reaction 5
Ally 13
Event 4
Master 13
Reaction 10

Exemple de main :

Spectral Divination
Call of the Hungry Dead
Sudario Refraction
Puppeteer (Wraith)

Exemple de crypte :

Rudolfo Giovanni
Lia Milliner
Rudolfo Giovanni
Andrea Giovanni
Faire un nouveau tirage