Créé par Torulo le 1 août 2014
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

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Crypte (12)
3 Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool3 Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool
3 Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool3 Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool
1 Janine1 Janine
1 Lectora1 Lectora
2 Frondator2 Frondator
2 Carmen2 Carmen
Action (17)
2 Biothaumaturgic Experiment2 Biothaumaturgic Experiment
6 Govern the Unaligned6 Govern the Unaligned
1 Graverobbing1 Graverobbing
3 Magic of the Smith3 Magic of the Smith
1 Atonement1 Atonement
1 Aranthebes, The Immortal1 Aranthebes, The Immortal
1 Anima Gathering1 Anima Gathering
1 Abbot1 Abbot
1 Far Mastery1 Far Mastery
Action Modifier (9)
7 Mirror Walk7 Mirror Walk
2 Rebirth2 Rebirth
Ally (3)
3 Neighborhood Watch Commander (Hunter)3 Neighborhood Watch Commander (Hunter)
Combat (20)
2 Telepathic Tracking2 Telepathic Tracking
4 Rego Motus4 Rego Motus
10 Theft of Vitae10 Theft of Vitae
4 Blood Fury4 Blood Fury
Equipment (6)
1 Heart of Nizchetus1 Heart of Nizchetus
1 Sport Bike1 Sport Bike
1 Ivory Bow1 Ivory Bow
1 IR Goggles1 IR Goggles
1 Unlicensed Taxicab1 Unlicensed Taxicab
1 Bowl of Convergence1 Bowl of Convergence
Master (15)
1 Humanitas1 Humanitas
2 Society of Leopold2 Society of Leopold
2 Smiling Jack, The Anarch2 Smiling Jack, The Anarch
4 Vessel4 Vessel
1 Elysium: Sforzesco Castle1 Elysium: Sforzesco Castle
2 Blood Doll2 Blood Doll
1 Thaumaturgy1 Thaumaturgy
1 Guardian Angel1 Guardian Angel
1 Metro Underground1 Metro Underground
Reaction (19)
2 Telepathic Misdirection2 Telepathic Misdirection
1 On the Qui Vive1 On the Qui Vive
6 Eyes of Argus6 Eyes of Argus
2 My Enemy's Enemy2 My Enemy's Enemy
3 Eagle's Sight3 Eagle's Sight
2 Forced Awakening2 Forced Awakening
3 Wake with Evening's Freshness3 Wake with Evening's Freshness
Retainer (1)
1 Mr. Winthrop1 Mr. Winthrop



Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool
Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool
Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool
Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool
Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool
Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool


Biothaumaturgic Experiment
Biothaumaturgic Experiment
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Magic of the Smith
Magic of the Smith
Magic of the Smith
Aranthebes, The Immortal
Anima Gathering
Far Mastery
Mirror Walk
Mirror Walk
Mirror Walk
Mirror Walk
Mirror Walk
Mirror Walk
Mirror Walk
Neighborhood Watch Commander (Hunter)
Neighborhood Watch Commander (Hunter)
Neighborhood Watch Commander (Hunter)
Telepathic Tracking
Telepathic Tracking
Rego Motus
Rego Motus
Rego Motus
Rego Motus
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Blood Fury
Blood Fury
Blood Fury
Blood Fury
Heart of Nizchetus
Sport Bike
Ivory Bow
IR Goggles
Unlicensed Taxicab
Bowl of Convergence
Society of Leopold
Society of Leopold
Smiling Jack, The Anarch
Smiling Jack, The Anarch
Elysium: Sforzesco Castle
Blood Doll
Blood Doll
Guardian Angel
Metro Underground
Telepathic Misdirection
Telepathic Misdirection
On the Qui Vive
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
My Enemy's Enemy
My Enemy's Enemy
Eagle's Sight
Eagle's Sight
Eagle's Sight
Forced Awakening
Forced Awakening
Wake with Evening's Freshness
Wake with Evening's Freshness
Wake with Evening's Freshness
Mr. Winthrop


Il y a 90 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 17
Action Modifier 9
Ally 3
Combat 20
Equipment 6
Master 15
Reaction 19
Retainer 1

Exemple de main :

Wake with Evening's Freshness
Blood Fury
Magic of the Smith
Metro Underground
Neighborhood Watch Commander (Hunter)
Blood Fury

Exemple de crypte :

Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool
Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool
Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool
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