Deck Salubri Deck

Créé par MatThePhat le 31 mars 2016
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

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Ce deck est légal


Crypte (12)
6 Eurayle Gelasia Mylonas6 Eurayle Gelasia Mylonas
6 Saulot, The Wanderer6 Saulot, The Wanderer
Action (11)
3 Renewed Vigor3 Renewed Vigor
3 Resurrection3 Resurrection
2 Lord of Serenity2 Lord of Serenity
3 Spirit Marionette3 Spirit Marionette
Action Modifier (6)
6 Freak Drive6 Freak Drive
Action Modifier/Combat (3)
3 Penitent Resilience3 Penitent Resilience
Ally (9)
2 Neighborhood Watch Commander (Hunter)2 Neighborhood Watch Commander (Hunter)
2 Ossian2 Ossian
1 Mylan Horseed (Goblin)1 Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
2 Wendell Delburton (Hunter)2 Wendell Delburton (Hunter)
2 Procurer2 Procurer
Combat (24)
3 Flames of the Netherworld3 Flames of the Netherworld
4 Concealed Weapon4 Concealed Weapon
3 Eye of Unforgiving Heaven3 Eye of Unforgiving Heaven
3 Soak3 Soak
3 Movement of the Mind3 Movement of the Mind
4 Theft of Vitae4 Theft of Vitae
2 Anesthetic Touch2 Anesthetic Touch
2 Amaranth2 Amaranth
Equipment (9)
2 Wooden Stake2 Wooden Stake
1 Saturday-Night Special1 Saturday-Night Special
2 Flash Grenade2 Flash Grenade
2 Bang Nakh -- Tiger's Claws2 Bang Nakh -- Tiger's Claws
2 Journal of Hrorsh2 Journal of Hrorsh
Event (6)
1 Unmasking, The1 Unmasking, The
1 Fueled by Heart's Blood1 Fueled by Heart's Blood
2 FBI Special Affairs Division2 FBI Special Affairs Division
1 Rise of the Nephtali1 Rise of the Nephtali
1 Dragonbound1 Dragonbound
Master (15)
1 Sunset Strip, Hollywood1 Sunset Strip, Hollywood
1 Subdued by the Blood1 Subdued by the Blood
2 Sight Beyond Sight2 Sight Beyond Sight
1 Monster1 Monster
2 Golconda: Inner Peace2 Golconda: Inner Peace
2 Path of Tears, The2 Path of Tears, The
3 Minion Tap3 Minion Tap
3 Rötschreck3 Rötschreck
Reaction (7)
3 Enhanced Senses3 Enhanced Senses
4 Eyes of Argus4 Eyes of Argus



Eurayle Gelasia Mylonas
Eurayle Gelasia Mylonas
Eurayle Gelasia Mylonas
Eurayle Gelasia Mylonas
Eurayle Gelasia Mylonas
Eurayle Gelasia Mylonas
Saulot, The Wanderer
Saulot, The Wanderer
Saulot, The Wanderer
Saulot, The Wanderer
Saulot, The Wanderer
Saulot, The Wanderer


Renewed Vigor
Renewed Vigor
Renewed Vigor
Lord of Serenity
Lord of Serenity
Spirit Marionette
Spirit Marionette
Spirit Marionette
Freak Drive
Freak Drive
Freak Drive
Freak Drive
Freak Drive
Freak Drive
Penitent Resilience
Penitent Resilience
Penitent Resilience
Neighborhood Watch Commander (Hunter)
Neighborhood Watch Commander (Hunter)
Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
Wendell Delburton (Hunter)
Wendell Delburton (Hunter)
Flames of the Netherworld
Flames of the Netherworld
Flames of the Netherworld
Concealed Weapon
Concealed Weapon
Concealed Weapon
Concealed Weapon
Eye of Unforgiving Heaven
Eye of Unforgiving Heaven
Eye of Unforgiving Heaven
Movement of the Mind
Movement of the Mind
Movement of the Mind
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Anesthetic Touch
Anesthetic Touch
Wooden Stake
Wooden Stake
Saturday-Night Special
Flash Grenade
Flash Grenade
Bang Nakh -- Tiger's Claws
Bang Nakh -- Tiger's Claws
Journal of Hrorsh
Journal of Hrorsh
Unmasking, The
Fueled by Heart's Blood
FBI Special Affairs Division
FBI Special Affairs Division
Rise of the Nephtali
Sunset Strip, Hollywood
Subdued by the Blood
Sight Beyond Sight
Sight Beyond Sight
Golconda: Inner Peace
Golconda: Inner Peace
Path of Tears, The
Path of Tears, The
Minion Tap
Minion Tap
Minion Tap
Enhanced Senses
Enhanced Senses
Enhanced Senses
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus


Il y a 90 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 11
Action Modifier 6
Action Modifier/Combat 3
Ally 9
Combat 24
Equipment 9
Event 6
Master 15
Reaction 7

Exemple de main :

Path of Tears, The
Path of Tears, The
Lord of Serenity
Sight Beyond Sight
Renewed Vigor
Wendell Delburton (Hunter)
Penitent Resilience

Exemple de crypte :

Saulot, The Wanderer
Eurayle Gelasia Mylonas
Saulot, The Wanderer
Saulot, The Wanderer
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