Deck Pander

Créé par Shoshuro le 6 mai 2014
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

• Balise à copier sur le forum :

Ce deck est légal


Crypte (14)
2 Angela Decker2 Angela Decker
2 Royce2 Royce
1 Rex, The Necronomist1 Rex, The Necronomist
1 Mitchell, The Headhunter1 Mitchell, The Headhunter
1 March Halcyon1 March Halcyon
1 Basil1 Basil
1 Christine Boscacci1 Christine Boscacci
2 Lena Rowe2 Lena Rowe
1 Jimmy Dunn1 Jimmy Dunn
1 Huang, Blood Cultist1 Huang, Blood Cultist
1 Feo Ramos1 Feo Ramos
Action Modifier (22)
7 Bewitching Oration7 Bewitching Oration
3 Forgotten Labyrinth3 Forgotten Labyrinth
3 Lost in Crowds3 Lost in Crowds
6 Cryptic Rider6 Cryptic Rider
3 Change of Target3 Change of Target
Ally (2)
1 Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)1 Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
1 Alia, God's Messenger1 Alia, God's Messenger
Event (6)
1 Slow Withering, The1 Slow Withering, The
2 Veil of Darkness2 Veil of Darkness
1 Conquest of Humanity1 Conquest of Humanity
1 Blood Weakens1 Blood Weakens
1 Anthelios, The Red Star1 Anthelios, The Red Star
Master (23)
1 Specialization1 Specialization
1 Pentex(TM) Subversion1 Pentex(TM) Subversion
3 Vessel3 Vessel
2 Life in the City2 Life in the City
1 Kaymakli Nightmares1 Kaymakli Nightmares
4 Information Highway4 Information Highway
1 Fortschritt Library1 Fortschritt Library
2 Archon Investigation2 Archon Investigation
4 Effective Management4 Effective Management
2 Visit from the Capuchin2 Visit from the Capuchin
2 Día de los Muertos2 Día de los Muertos
Political Action (37)
10 Consanguineous Boon10 Consanguineous Boon
1 Disputed Territory1 Disputed Territory
1 Domain Challenge1 Domain Challenge
12 Legacy of Pander12 Legacy of Pander
9 Kine Resources Contested9 Kine Resources Contested
4 Conservative Agitation4 Conservative Agitation



Angela Decker
Angela Decker
Rex, The Necronomist
Mitchell, The Headhunter
March Halcyon
Christine Boscacci
Lena Rowe
Lena Rowe
Jimmy Dunn
Huang, Blood Cultist
Feo Ramos


Bewitching Oration
Bewitching Oration
Bewitching Oration
Bewitching Oration
Bewitching Oration
Bewitching Oration
Bewitching Oration
Forgotten Labyrinth
Forgotten Labyrinth
Forgotten Labyrinth
Lost in Crowds
Lost in Crowds
Lost in Crowds
Cryptic Rider
Cryptic Rider
Cryptic Rider
Cryptic Rider
Cryptic Rider
Cryptic Rider
Change of Target
Change of Target
Change of Target
Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
Alia, God's Messenger
Slow Withering, The
Veil of Darkness
Veil of Darkness
Conquest of Humanity
Blood Weakens
Anthelios, The Red Star
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Life in the City
Life in the City
Kaymakli Nightmares
Information Highway
Information Highway
Information Highway
Information Highway
Fortschritt Library
Archon Investigation
Archon Investigation
Effective Management
Effective Management
Effective Management
Effective Management
Visit from the Capuchin
Visit from the Capuchin
Día de los Muertos
Día de los Muertos
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Disputed Territory
Domain Challenge
Legacy of Pander
Legacy of Pander
Legacy of Pander
Legacy of Pander
Legacy of Pander
Legacy of Pander
Legacy of Pander
Legacy of Pander
Legacy of Pander
Legacy of Pander
Legacy of Pander
Legacy of Pander
Kine Resources Contested
Kine Resources Contested
Kine Resources Contested
Kine Resources Contested
Kine Resources Contested
Kine Resources Contested
Kine Resources Contested
Kine Resources Contested
Kine Resources Contested
Conservative Agitation
Conservative Agitation
Conservative Agitation
Conservative Agitation


Il y a 90 cartes dans la piocheet 14 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action Modifier 22
Ally 2
Event 6
Master 23
Political Action 37

Exemple de main :

Legacy of Pander
Día de los Muertos
Information Highway
Consanguineous Boon
Día de los Muertos
Legacy of Pander
Alia, God's Messenger

Exemple de crypte :

Lena Rowe
Jimmy Dunn
Lena Rowe
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