Deck One of a kind

Travis Traveler72 Miller
Créé par Caballero le 10 décembre 2013
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

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Ce deck est légal


Crypte (12)
1 Earl Shaka74 Deams1 Earl Shaka74 Deams
4 Travis Traveler72 Miller4 Travis Traveler72 Miller
1 Xian DziDzat155 Quan1 Xian DziDzat155 Quan
2 Jack Hannibal137 Harmon2 Jack Hannibal137 Harmon
1 Jennie Cassie247 Orne1 Jennie Cassie247 Orne
1 Inez Nurse216 Villagrande1 Inez Nurse216 Villagrande
2 François Warden Loehr2 François Warden Loehr
Ally (5)
1 Wendell Delburton (Hunter)1 Wendell Delburton (Hunter)
1 Vagabond Mystic1 Vagabond Mystic
1 Ossian1 Ossian
1 Mylan Horseed (Goblin)1 Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
1 Gregory Winter1 Gregory Winter
Conviction (17)
6 Strike with Conviction6 Strike with Conviction
6 Second Sight6 Second Sight
5 React with Conviction5 React with Conviction
Equipment (5)
1 Heart of Nizchetus1 Heart of Nizchetus
1 Orb of Ulain1 Orb of Ulain
1 Ivory Bow1 Ivory Bow
1 Crusader Sword, The1 Crusader Sword, The
1 Sengir Dagger1 Sengir Dagger
Event (7)
1 Unmasking, The1 Unmasking, The
1 Restricted Vitae1 Restricted Vitae
1 Recalled to the Founder1 Recalled to the Founder
1 Torpid Blood1 Torpid Blood
1 Thirst1 Thirst
1 Blood Weakens1 Blood Weakens
1 Fall of the Camarilla1 Fall of the Camarilla
Master (10)
1 Vulnerability1 Vulnerability
2 Church of Vindicated Faith, The2 Church of Vindicated Faith, The
1 Fortschritt Library1 Fortschritt Library
1 Smiling Jack, The Anarch1 Smiling Jack, The Anarch
1 Barrens, The1 Barrens, The
3 Angel of Berlin3 Angel of Berlin
1 Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter1 Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter
Power (13)
1 Inspire1 Inspire
3 Discern3 Discern
3 Rejuvenate3 Rejuvenate
3 Champion3 Champion
3 Vigilance3 Vigilance
Reaction (3)
3 On the Qui Vive3 On the Qui Vive



Earl Shaka74 Deams
Travis Traveler72 Miller
Travis Traveler72 Miller
Travis Traveler72 Miller
Travis Traveler72 Miller
Xian DziDzat155 Quan
Jack Hannibal137 Harmon
Jack Hannibal137 Harmon
Jennie Cassie247 Orne
Inez Nurse216 Villagrande
François Warden Loehr
François Warden Loehr


Wendell Delburton (Hunter)
Vagabond Mystic
Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
Gregory Winter
Strike with Conviction
Strike with Conviction
Strike with Conviction
Strike with Conviction
Strike with Conviction
Strike with Conviction
Second Sight
Second Sight
Second Sight
Second Sight
Second Sight
Second Sight
React with Conviction
React with Conviction
React with Conviction
React with Conviction
React with Conviction
Heart of Nizchetus
Orb of Ulain
Ivory Bow
Crusader Sword, The
Sengir Dagger
Unmasking, The
Restricted Vitae
Recalled to the Founder
Torpid Blood
Blood Weakens
Fall of the Camarilla
Church of Vindicated Faith, The
Church of Vindicated Faith, The
Fortschritt Library
Smiling Jack, The Anarch
Barrens, The
Angel of Berlin
Angel of Berlin
Angel of Berlin
Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive


Il y a 60 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Ally 5
Conviction 17
Equipment 5
Event 7
Master 10
Power 13
Reaction 3

Exemple de main :

Sengir Dagger
Church of Vindicated Faith, The
Ivory Bow
Strike with Conviction

Exemple de crypte :

Xian DziDzat155 Quan
Travis Traveler72 Miller
Jack Hannibal137 Harmon
Jack Hannibal137 Harmon
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