Deck Malkavian Flamethrower Catch Deck

Créé par MatThePhat le 29 juin 2016
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

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Ce deck est légal



Ruth McGinley
Ruth McGinley
Ruth McGinley
Ruth McGinley
Maris Streck
Maris Streck
Persia, The Beautiful Statue
Persia, The Beautiful Statue
Colonel, The
Colonel, The
Colonel, The
Colonel, The


Sibyl's Tongue
Mind Tricks
Mind Tricks
Mind Tricks
Ritual of the Bitter Rose
Disguised Weapon
Disguised Weapon
Disguised Weapon
Disguised Weapon
Disguised Weapon
Disguised Weapon
Disguised Weapon
Masque of Judas
Masque of Judas
Masque of Judas
Masque of Judas
Reality Mirror
Aura Reading
Aura Reading
Aura Reading
Behind You!
Behind You!
Behind You!
Behind You!
Behind You!
Behind You!
Shadow Feint
Shadow Feint
Shadow Feint
Shadow Feint
Shadow Feint
Improvised Flamethrower
Improvised Flamethrower
Improvised Flamethrower
Improvised Flamethrower
Improvised Flamethrower
Improvised Flamethrower
Improvised Flamethrower
Ivory Bow
Starshell Grenade Launcher
Starshell Grenade Launcher
Starshell Grenade Launcher
NSA Trio
Torpid Blood
Powerbase: Chicago
Tension in the Ranks
Absolution of the Diabolist
Absolution of the Diabolist
Absolution of the Diabolist
Asylum Hunting Ground
Secret Horde
Secret Horde
Institution Hunting Ground
Powerbase: Montreal
Powerbase: Montreal
Malkavian Seven Miseries, The
Quicken Sight
Quicken Sight
Quicken Sight


Il y a 65 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 3
Action Modifier 3
Action Modifier/Combat 1
Combat 29
Equipment 11
Event 3
Master 12
Reaction 3

Exemple de main :

Disguised Weapon
Improvised Flamethrower
Sibyl's Tongue
Ritual of the Bitter Rose
Mind Tricks
Disguised Weapon

Exemple de crypte :

Ruth McGinley
Ruth McGinley
Ruth McGinley
Ruth McGinley
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