Deck javi

Unburdening the Bestial Soul
Créé par zhapwey le 22 novembre 2014
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

• Balise à copier sur le forum :




Unburdening the Bestial Soul
Unburdening the Bestial Soul
Unburdening the Bestial Soul
Unburdening the Bestial Soul
Heidelberg Castle, Germany
Khobar Towers, Al-Khubar
Khobar Towers, Al-Khubar
Khobar Towers, Al-Khubar


Il y a 8 cartes dans la pioche
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 4
Master 4

Exemple de main :

Heidelberg Castle, Germany
Khobar Towers, Al-Khubar
Unburdening the Bestial Soul
Khobar Towers, Al-Khubar
Khobar Towers, Al-Khubar
Unburdening the Bestial Soul
Unburdening the Bestial Soul

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