Deck Gangrelismo

Tier of Souls
Créé par Torulo le 13 janvier 2014
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

• Balise à copier sur le forum :

Ce deck est légal



Célèste Lamontagne
Célèste Lamontagne
Célèste Lamontagne
Doyle Fincher
Harry Reese
Janey Pickman
Janey Pickman
Janey Pickman
Lula Burch
Bill Butler


Tier of Souls
Tier of Souls
Tier of Souls
Tier of Souls
Sanguine Instruction
Sanguine Instruction
Freak Drive
Freak Drive
Uncontrollable Rage
Uncontrollable Rage
Ritual of the Bitter Rose
Underbridge Stray
Underbridge Stray
Underbridge Stray
Underbridge Stray
Pack Alpha
Pack Alpha
Pack Alpha
Pack Alpha
Pack Alpha
Skin of Steel
Skin of Steel
Skin of Steel
Skin of Steel
Leathery Hide
Leathery Hide
Leathery Hide
Leathery Hide
Leathery Hide
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Canine Horde
Bone Spur
Bone Spur
Bone Spur
Bone Spur
Bone Spur
Bone Spur
Bone Spur
Ivory Bow
Ivory Bow
Anthelios, The Red Star
Path of the Feral Heart, The
Path of the Feral Heart, The
Haven Uncovered
Haven Uncovered
Hungry Coyote, The
Hungry Coyote, The
Bay and Howl
Bay and Howl
Bay and Howl
Bay and Howl
Gangrel Conspiracy
Gangrel Conspiracy
On the Qui Vive
Wake with Evening's Freshness
Wake with Evening's Freshness
Wake with Evening's Freshness
Wake with Evening's Freshness
Wake with Evening's Freshness
Wake with Evening's Freshness
Wake with Evening's Freshness
Cats' Guidance
Cats' Guidance
Raven Spy
Raven Spy
Raven Spy
Raven Spy
Raven Spy
Raven Spy
Raven Spy
Tasha Morgan
J. S. Simmons, Esq.
Wolf Companion
Wolf Companion
Wolf Companion
Wolf Companion
Wolf Companion
Wolf Companion
Wolf Companion


Il y a 90 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 9
Action Modifier 4
Action Modifier/Combat 1
Ally 4
Combat 28
Equipment 2
Event 1
Master 15
Reaction 10
Retainer 16

Exemple de main :

Sanguine Instruction
Bay and Howl
Raven Spy
Underbridge Stray
Bone Spur
Pack Alpha

Exemple de crypte :

Bill Butler
Janey Pickman
Célèste Lamontagne
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