Deck Doomed Henry

Créé par beanish le 18 avril 2013
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

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Henry Taylor Condemnation Doomed Bond with the Mountain


Giotto Verducci
Giotto Verducci
Giotto Verducci
Giotto Verducci
Giotto Verducci
Giotto Verducci
Henry Taylor
Henry Taylor
Henry Taylor
Henry Taylor
Henry Taylor
Henry Taylor


Condemnation: Doomed
Condemnation: Doomed
Condemnation: Doomed
Condemnation: Doomed
Horrific Countenance
Forgotten Labyrinth
Earth Meld
Earth Meld
Bond with the Mountain
Bond with the Mountain
Eye of Hazimel
Sport Bike
Spontaneous Power
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Sudden Reversal
Sunset Strip, Hollywood
Vampiric Disease
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Life in the City
Giant's Blood
Dreams of the Sphinx
Dark Influences
Archon Investigation
Waste Management Operation
Waste Management Operation
On the Qui Vive
Forced Awakening
Delaying Tactics


Il y a 60 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 5
Action Modifier 2
Combat 4
Equipment 2
Master 44
Reaction 3

Exemple de main :

Waste Management Operation
Slaughterhouse, The
Condemnation: Doomed
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The
Slaughterhouse, The

Exemple de crypte :

Henry Taylor
Giotto Verducci
Giotto Verducci
Giotto Verducci
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