Deck Couteaux

Créé par Maximuff le 21 juillet 2013
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

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Crypte (12)
3 Salbatore Bokkengro3 Salbatore Bokkengro
3 Vaclav Petalengro3 Vaclav Petalengro
3 Khalil Ravana3 Khalil Ravana
3 Joaquina Amaya3 Joaquina Amaya
Action (13)
1 Tumnimos1 Tumnimos
1 Fleecing the Gaje1 Fleecing the Gaje
1 Fatuus Mastery1 Fatuus Mastery
1 Patshiv1 Patshiv
1 Fantasy World1 Fantasy World
1 Edged Illusion1 Edged Illusion
1 Bujo1 Bujo
1 Mass Reality1 Mass Reality
1 Trick of the Danya, The1 Trick of the Danya, The
1 Sensory Deprivation1 Sensory Deprivation
1 Sleight of Hand1 Sleight of Hand
1 Shared Nightmare1 Shared Nightmare
1 Sensory Overload1 Sensory Overload
Action Modifier (9)
1 Red Herring1 Red Herring
1 Mantle of the Moon1 Mantle of the Moon
1 Zapaderin1 Zapaderin
1 Mirror's Visage1 Mirror's Visage
1 Permanency1 Permanency
1 Phantom Speaker1 Phantom Speaker
1 Freak Drive1 Freak Drive
1 False Resonance1 False Resonance
1 Fata Morgana1 Fata Morgana
Action Modifier/Combat (4)
2 Occlusion2 Occlusion
2 Mirror Image2 Mirror Image
Action Modifier/Reaction (2)
2 Eldest Are Kholo, The2 Eldest Are Kholo, The
Action/Reaction (2)
2 Draba2 Draba
Ally (2)
1 Tara, The Hollow One (Mage)1 Tara, The Hollow One (Mage)
1 Rom Gypsy1 Rom Gypsy
Combat (18)
2 Sympathetic Agony2 Sympathetic Agony
2 Blessing of Durga Syn2 Blessing of Durga Syn
2 Apparition2 Apparition
2 Amria2 Amria
2 Illusions of the Kindred2 Illusions of the Kindred
2 Mayaparisatya2 Mayaparisatya
2 Horrid Reality2 Horrid Reality
2 Far Fatuus2 Far Fatuus
2 Imposing Phantasm2 Imposing Phantasm
Combat/Reaction (2)
2 Fata Amria2 Fata Amria
Equipment (4)
1 Karavalanisha Vrana1 Karavalanisha Vrana
1 Treasured Samadji1 Treasured Samadji
1 Shilmulo Tarot1 Shilmulo Tarot
1 Talith1 Talith
Master (22)
2 Treatment, The2 Treatment, The
2 Week of Nightmares2 Week of Nightmares
2 Svadharma2 Svadharma
2 Fortune Teller Shop2 Fortune Teller Shop
2 Goodnight, Sweet Prince2 Goodnight, Sweet Prince
2 Kaymakli Nightmares2 Kaymakli Nightmares
2 Kumpania2 Kumpania
2 Path of Paradox, The2 Path of Paradox, The
2 Park Hunting Ground2 Park Hunting Ground
2 Ravnos Cache2 Ravnos Cache
2 Ravnos Carnival2 Ravnos Carnival
Reaction (10)
2 Ignis Fatuus2 Ignis Fatuus
2 Army of Apparitions2 Army of Apparitions
2 Veiled Sight2 Veiled Sight
2 Pseudo-Blindness2 Pseudo-Blindness
2 Shilmulo Deception2 Shilmulo Deception
Retainer (2)
2 Fortune Teller2 Fortune Teller



Salbatore Bokkengro
Salbatore Bokkengro
Salbatore Bokkengro
Vaclav Petalengro
Vaclav Petalengro
Vaclav Petalengro
Khalil Ravana
Khalil Ravana
Khalil Ravana
Joaquina Amaya
Joaquina Amaya
Joaquina Amaya


Fleecing the Gaje
Fatuus Mastery
Fantasy World
Edged Illusion
Mass Reality
Trick of the Danya, The
Sensory Deprivation
Sleight of Hand
Shared Nightmare
Sensory Overload
Red Herring
Mantle of the Moon
Mirror's Visage
Phantom Speaker
Freak Drive
False Resonance
Fata Morgana
Mirror Image
Mirror Image
Eldest Are Kholo, The
Eldest Are Kholo, The
Tara, The Hollow One (Mage)
Rom Gypsy
Sympathetic Agony
Sympathetic Agony
Blessing of Durga Syn
Blessing of Durga Syn
Illusions of the Kindred
Illusions of the Kindred
Horrid Reality
Horrid Reality
Far Fatuus
Far Fatuus
Imposing Phantasm
Imposing Phantasm
Fata Amria
Fata Amria
Karavalanisha Vrana
Treasured Samadji
Shilmulo Tarot
Treatment, The
Treatment, The
Week of Nightmares
Week of Nightmares
Fortune Teller Shop
Fortune Teller Shop
Goodnight, Sweet Prince
Goodnight, Sweet Prince
Kaymakli Nightmares
Kaymakli Nightmares
Path of Paradox, The
Path of Paradox, The
Park Hunting Ground
Park Hunting Ground
Ravnos Cache
Ravnos Cache
Ravnos Carnival
Ravnos Carnival
Ignis Fatuus
Ignis Fatuus
Army of Apparitions
Army of Apparitions
Veiled Sight
Veiled Sight
Shilmulo Deception
Shilmulo Deception
Fortune Teller
Fortune Teller


Il y a 90 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 13
Action Modifier 9
Action Modifier/Combat 4
Action Modifier/Reaction 2
Action/Reaction 2
Ally 2
Combat 18
Combat/Reaction 2
Equipment 4
Master 22
Reaction 10
Retainer 2

Exemple de main :

Blessing of Durga Syn
Sympathetic Agony
Treatment, The
Ignis Fatuus
Sleight of Hand
Phantom Speaker

Exemple de crypte :

Joaquina Amaya
Khalil Ravana
Vaclav Petalengro
Salbatore Bokkengro
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