Deck Better Gents with Sticks

Weighted Walking Stick
Créé par squall2013 le 26 juin 2014
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

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Crypte (12)
1 Mustafa, The Heir1 Mustafa, The Heir
1 João Bilé1 João Bilé
1 Jephta Hester1 Jephta Hester
3 Lodin (Olaf Holte)3 Lodin (Olaf Holte)
1 Victor Pelletier1 Victor Pelletier
2 Graham Gottesman2 Graham Gottesman
1 Emily Carson1 Emily Carson
1 Ulrike Rothbart1 Ulrike Rothbart
1 Victor Donaldson1 Victor Donaldson
Action (13)
13 Govern the Unaligned13 Govern the Unaligned
Action Modifier (11)
4 Conditioning4 Conditioning
3 Daring the Dawn3 Daring the Dawn
2 Bonding2 Bonding
2 Foreshadowing Destruction2 Foreshadowing Destruction
Action Modifier/Reaction (1)
1 Murmur of the False Will1 Murmur of the False Will
Ally (1)
1 Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)1 Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
Combat (15)
4 Hidden Strength4 Hidden Strength
5 Indomitability5 Indomitability
5 Weighted Walking Stick5 Weighted Walking Stick
1 Unflinching Persistence1 Unflinching Persistence
Equipment (3)
1 Heart of Nizchetus1 Heart of Nizchetus
1 Ivory Bow1 Ivory Bow
1 .44 Magnum1 .44 Magnum
Event (2)
1 Scourge of the Enochians1 Scourge of the Enochians
1 Uncoiling, The1 Uncoiling, The
Master (13)
1 Uptown Hunting Ground1 Uptown Hunting Ground
1 Ventrue Headquarters1 Ventrue Headquarters
2 Vessel2 Vessel
1 Sudden Reversal1 Sudden Reversal
2 Blood Doll2 Blood Doll
1 Anarch Troublemaker1 Anarch Troublemaker
1 Direct Intervention1 Direct Intervention
1 Dreams of the Sphinx1 Dreams of the Sphinx
1 Giant's Blood1 Giant's Blood
1 Haven Uncovered1 Haven Uncovered
1 Pentex(TM) Subversion1 Pentex(TM) Subversion
Political Action (1)
1 Anarchist Uprising1 Anarchist Uprising
Reaction (19)
8 Second Tradition: Domain8 Second Tradition: Domain
1 Redirection1 Redirection
1 Delaying Tactics1 Delaying Tactics
7 Deflection7 Deflection
2 On the Qui Vive2 On the Qui Vive


Deck Name: EC 2013 Day 2: Better Gents with Sticks
Author: Hugh Angseesing
Description: (UK) — 3 GW 9 VP — 2 VP


Mustafa, The Heir
João Bilé
Jephta Hester
Lodin (Olaf Holte)
Lodin (Olaf Holte)
Lodin (Olaf Holte)
Victor Pelletier
Graham Gottesman
Graham Gottesman
Emily Carson
Ulrike Rothbart
Victor Donaldson


Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Daring the Dawn
Daring the Dawn
Daring the Dawn
Foreshadowing Destruction
Foreshadowing Destruction
Murmur of the False Will
Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
Hidden Strength
Hidden Strength
Hidden Strength
Hidden Strength
Weighted Walking Stick
Weighted Walking Stick
Weighted Walking Stick
Weighted Walking Stick
Weighted Walking Stick
Unflinching Persistence
Heart of Nizchetus
Ivory Bow
.44 Magnum
Scourge of the Enochians
Uncoiling, The
Uptown Hunting Ground
Ventrue Headquarters
Sudden Reversal
Blood Doll
Blood Doll
Anarch Troublemaker
Direct Intervention
Dreams of the Sphinx
Giant's Blood
Haven Uncovered
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Anarchist Uprising
Second Tradition: Domain
Second Tradition: Domain
Second Tradition: Domain
Second Tradition: Domain
Second Tradition: Domain
Second Tradition: Domain
Second Tradition: Domain
Second Tradition: Domain
Delaying Tactics
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive


Il y a 79 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 13
Action Modifier 11
Action Modifier/Reaction 1
Ally 1
Combat 15
Equipment 3
Event 2
Master 13
Political Action 1
Reaction 19

Exemple de main :

Scourge of the Enochians
Hidden Strength
Direct Intervention
Giant's Blood
Second Tradition: Domain

Exemple de crypte :

Ulrike Rothbart
Graham Gottesman
Lodin (Olaf Holte)
Victor Pelletier
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