Deck assamite_breed_boon2

Créé par atilagf le 7 juillet 2016
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

• Balise à copier sur le forum :

Ce deck est légal


4 Alamut
1 Coven, The
5 Khabar: Community, The
2 Pentex(TM) Subversion
1 Underworld Hunting Ground
5 Yoruba Shrine
10 Embrace, The
8 Web of Knives Recruit
8 Consanguineous Boon
3 Kine Resources Contested
1 Cryptic Rider
3 Faceless Night
5 Lost in Crowds
5 Swallowed by the Night
3 Sudden Reversal
4 Forgotten Labyrinth
2 Uncoiling, The
4 Visit from the Capuchin
1 Secure Haven
1 Jake Washington (Hunter)
2 Elder Library
3 Direct Intervention
5 Reckless Agitation
2 Archon Investigation
1 Heart of Nizchetus
1 Giant’s Blood
2 Ali Kar
4 Amaravati
2 Kamau Jafari
1 Vardar Vardarian
2 Layla bint-Nadr
1 Kashan


Vardar Vardarian
Kamau Jafari
Kamau Jafari
Layla bint-Nadr
Layla bint-Nadr
Ali Kar
Ali Kar


Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Web of Knives Recruit
Web of Knives Recruit
Web of Knives Recruit
Web of Knives Recruit
Web of Knives Recruit
Web of Knives Recruit
Web of Knives Recruit
Web of Knives Recruit
Lost in Crowds
Lost in Crowds
Lost in Crowds
Lost in Crowds
Lost in Crowds
Forgotten Labyrinth
Forgotten Labyrinth
Forgotten Labyrinth
Forgotten Labyrinth
Faceless Night
Faceless Night
Faceless Night
Cryptic Rider
Swallowed by the Night
Swallowed by the Night
Swallowed by the Night
Swallowed by the Night
Swallowed by the Night
Heart of Nizchetus
Uncoiling, The
Uncoiling, The
Sudden Reversal
Sudden Reversal
Sudden Reversal
Underworld Hunting Ground
Visit from the Capuchin
Visit from the Capuchin
Visit from the Capuchin
Visit from the Capuchin
Secure Haven
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Yoruba Shrine
Yoruba Shrine
Yoruba Shrine
Yoruba Shrine
Yoruba Shrine
Archon Investigation
Archon Investigation
Coven, The
Direct Intervention
Direct Intervention
Direct Intervention
Elder Library
Elder Library
Giant's Blood
Jake Washington (Hunter)
Khabar: Community, The
Khabar: Community, The
Khabar: Community, The
Khabar: Community, The
Khabar: Community, The
Reckless Agitation
Reckless Agitation
Reckless Agitation
Reckless Agitation
Reckless Agitation
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Kine Resources Contested
Kine Resources Contested
Kine Resources Contested


Il y a 90 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 18
Action Modifier 13
Action Modifier/Combat 5
Equipment 1
Event 2
Master 35
Political Action 16

Exemple de main :

Embrace, The
Elder Library
Sudden Reversal
Sudden Reversal
Khabar: Community, The
Uncoiling, The
Forgotten Labyrinth

Exemple de crypte :

Layla bint-Nadr
Ali Kar
Ali Kar
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