Deck Aniweenie

Créé par Pillanpatera le 5 mai 2013
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

• Balise à copier sur le forum :

Ce deck est légal



Célèste Lamontagne
Droescher One-Eye
Effie Lowery
Janey Pickman
Lisa Noble
Yuri Kerezenski
Bobby Lemon


Tier of Souls
Tier of Souls
Aranthebes, The Immortal
Taunt the Caged Beast
Taunt the Caged Beast
Taunt the Caged Beast
Taunt the Caged Beast
Army of Rats
Army of Rats
Bum's Rush
Bum's Rush
Canine Horde
Canine Horde
Canine Horde
Canine Horde
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
Carrion Crows
High Ground
High Ground
High Ground
High Ground
Pack Alpha
Pack Alpha
Pack Alpha
Terror Frenzy
Terror Frenzy
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Aid from Bats
Haven Uncovered
Haven Uncovered
Haven Uncovered
Blood Doll
Blood Doll
Blood Doll
Blood Doll
Blood Doll
Blood Doll
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Archon Investigation
Hungry Coyote, The
Cats' Guidance
Cats' Guidance
Cats' Guidance
Cats' Guidance
Cats' Guidance
Instinctive Reaction
Instinctive Reaction
Instinctive Reaction
Instinctive Reaction
Forced Awakening
Forced Awakening
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive
Owl Companion
J. S. Simmons, Esq.
Raven Spy
Raven Spy
Raven Spy
Raven Spy
Raven Spy
Tasha Morgan


Il y a 90 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 11
Combat 41
Master 15
Reaction 15
Retainer 8

Exemple de main :

Aid from Bats
Blood Doll
Army of Rats
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Taunt the Caged Beast
Instinctive Reaction
Carrion Crows

Exemple de crypte :

Effie Lowery
Bobby Lemon
Lisa Noble
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