Deck [56] Carnivalesque (Ravnos swarm)

Ravnos Carnival
Créé par zinzinboss le 26 octobre 2019
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

• Balise à copier sur le forum :

Ce deck est légal




Vedel Esbreno
Spleen, Georgio Gutterpunk
Spleen, Georgio Gutterpunk
Sennuwy, The Promoter
Sasha Miklos
Sasha Miklos
Salbatore Bokkengro
Lázár Dobrescu
Anka, Priestess of Thorns


Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Aranthebes, The Immortal
Heart of Nizchetus
Anthelios, The Red Star
Ravnos Carnival
Ravnos Carnival
Ravnos Carnival
Ravnos Carnival
Ravnos Carnival
Ravnos Carnival
Ravnos Carnival
Powerbase: Montreal
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Tribute to the Master
Tribute to the Master
Parthenon, The
Parthenon, The
Parthenon, The
Parthenon, The
Parthenon, The
Last Stand
Information Highway
Gird Minions
Dreams of the Sphinx
Dreams of the Sphinx
Direct Intervention
Direct Intervention
Coven, The
Week of Nightmares
Week of Nightmares
Delaying Tactics
Delaying Tactics
Delaying Tactics
Delaying Tactics
Delaying Tactics


Il y a 60 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 26
Equipment 1
Event 1
Master 27
Reaction 5

Exemple de main :

Embrace, The
Delaying Tactics
Powerbase: Montreal
Ravnos Carnival
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Embrace, The
Embrace, The

Exemple de crypte :

Salbatore Bokkengro
Spleen, Georgio Gutterpunk
Vedel Esbreno
Faire un nouveau tirage